Online Roulette System Vs Online Roulette Software


New Member
Today's article is going to be about the notion of roulette software versus roulette systems. Software developers began to create roulette systems in a software format with the idea to make things easier for players to use and people to sell in this very popular market.

However, I felt it best to mention that a roulette software program is only as good as the system it is coded into, which poses a problem. All roulette software programs also have a sleeper system put in them, but this is not of much use over long periods of time.

Sleeper systems work by you placing a bet on a number that hasn't come up during recent play. You then increase your bets after each loss until you get a profit. I have seen this system in every piece of roulette software that I have played on.

As you probably already know, the sleeper system is bogus. It is bogus because the software used by casinos will not let it work. Online roulette isn't rigged or anything though, because you can get the same results if you place no bets.

There are now automated roulette software programs creeping onto the market. These are very clever pieces of software. They will place bets for you and spin the virtual roulette wheel for you. In other words no input is required from the player, you can set it to play and then go out for the day. However as clever as they are in my experience all they do is lose money quicker because again the roulette system that they all use is a sleeper system.

For this reason I prefer conventional roulette systems. In my experience I have found that a regular roulette system is written by someone with experience of playing roulette, whereas a software program is made by a software developer looking to make some money from selling the program rather than using it. Also with a roulette system you can alter it to suit yourself but with a software program you are stuck with the system coded into it.

In conclusion to this I would be very sceptical when it comes to roulette software programs. You need to remember that anyone with some programming knowledge can make a software program However it is a lot more difficult to make a long term winning roulette system. Only someone with experience of using a roulette system for many months can then certify it as the real thing to be able to sell it.
